Ash firewood

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Ash firewood is very dense, tough and strong, but also elastic – wood. Its density is 0.75 gr/mand heat capacity is 5,6MWh/t.


Ash firewood


Ash firewood is very dense, tough and strong, but also elastic – wood. Its density is 0.75 gr/mand heat capacity is 5,6MWh/t.This is because it is a hardwood, and has excellent burning properties, including:

  • Ash logs last much longer than softwoods when burned in stoves or open fires
  • When burned, it turns into a bright red glow, with high heat output
  • It has few knots, so sparks less than other woods
  • Burns completely, and leaves very little ash
  • Less smoke emitted so chimneys are cleaner

Our ash firewood has the best quality, because it is dried mechanically. Ash firewood is possible to get in different packaging’s: 1m3 and 2m3 boxes. Usually, we do not sell ash firewood in bags, but it is possible to arrange it as well according to your requirements.

Ash firewood in 1m3 crate

  • Size: 25 -30cm (it is possible to get different sizes as well)
  • Moisture : 18 % or fresh
  • Weight: around 27 kg
  • Split size: 8 cm

Product description

Our company produces fresh and kiln dried Ash  firewood. Length usually is adjustable to each customer request, but usually we have two standard sizes 25- 27 cm and 28-30 cm.Our Ash firewood has the best quality, because it is kiln dried mechanically.