Serving Quantity of Alfalfa Hay for Different Animals

Serving Quantity of Alfalfa Hay for Different Animals

Alfalfa hay is a highly nutritious forage that can be an excellent addition to the diet of various animals. However, the serving quantity of alfalfa hay should be carefully managed to ensure optimal health and nutrition. This article will discuss the appropriate quantities of alfalfa hay for different animals, including cattle, goats, horses, rabbits, and chickens.


Dairy Cattle

For lactating dairy cows, alfalfa hay is an excellent source of protein and calcium, which are critical for milk production.

  • Serving Quantity: It is recommended to provide 15-20 pounds of alfalfa hay per cow per day, depending on their size, milk production, and overall diet.

Beef Cattle

Beef cattle can also benefit from the high protein content in alfalfa hay, particularly during growth and finishing stages.

  • Serving Quantity: Feed beef cattle approximately 12-15 pounds of alfalfa hay per head per day, depending on their weight and growth requirements.


Dairy Goats

Dairy goats require a higher protein intake, especially during lactation.

  • Serving Quantity: Provide lactating goats with 3-4 pounds of alfalfa hay per goat per day.

Meat Goats

For meat goats, the protein in alfalfa hay supports muscle development and overall growth.

  • Serving Quantity: Feed meat goats 2-3 pounds of alfalfa hay per goat per day.


Adult Horses

Alfalfa hay is an excellent source of protein and calcium for horses but should be balanced with other forage to prevent excessive calcium intake.

  • Serving Quantity: Adult horses should receive 1.5-2% of their body weight in forage daily. For a 1,000-pound horse, this equates to 15-20 pounds of total forage, with alfalfa hay making up 5-10 pounds of this amount.

Growing and Lactating Horses

Foals, growing horses, and lactating mares require more protein and calcium.

  • Serving Quantity: Feed them up to 2-2.5% of their body weight in total forage daily, with 50-70% of this amount being alfalfa hay.


Rabbits benefit from the high fiber and protein content in alfalfa hay, but it should be fed in moderation due to its high calcium content.

Adult Rabbits

  • Serving Quantity: Offer adult rabbits a small handful (about 1-2 ounces) of alfalfa hay daily, supplemented with timothy hay or other grass hays.

Growing and Lactating Rabbits

  • Serving Quantity: Young, growing rabbits and lactating does can have unlimited access to alfalfa hay to support their growth and milk production needs.


Chickens enjoy pecking at alfalfa hay, which provides them with additional nutrients and helps keep them entertained.

Adult Chickens

  • Serving Quantity: Provide a small handful of alfalfa hay per chicken daily. It should be offered as a supplement to their regular feed rather than a primary food source.

Chicks and Growing Birds

  • Serving Quantity: Chicks and growing birds can have access to small amounts of alfalfa hay, but their primary diet should consist of a balanced chick starter or grower feed.

To Summarize, the appropriate serving quantity of alfalfa hay varies depending on the species, age, and production stage of the animal. While alfalfa hay is highly nutritious and beneficial, it should be fed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet to prevent potential health issues. By providing the right amount of alfalfa, farmers and pet owners can ensure their animals receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and productivity.

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